Some Bats are Big and Some Bats are Small

As we are learning in our novel, Silverwing, some bats are small (like Shade and Marina) and some bats are big (like Goth and Throbb). Below is a video about the world’s largest bat.

Here is a picture of the world’s smallest bat, the Bumblebee bat.

small bat

What is the world’s largest bat?

18 thoughts on “Some Bats are Big and Some Bats are Small

  1. Dear Mrs. Kostiuk

    I know what the largest bat is. It is the fox bat that is the largest bat in the world that I know of. The actual name is flying fox they got the name from there fox like nose they may be the biggest bats but they are one of the most safest bats in the world. and I always forgot to tell you this: I am so sorry that I did not comment on summer break.

    From Presley

  2. Dear Mrs K,
    The biggest bat in the world is the flying fox and the smallest bat in the world is the insect eating bat.
    From Zack

  3. Hi Mrs. Kostiuk,

    There is quite a few classes on Edublogs currently learning about bats and I should your class might be interested in checking out a Bat blog that is hosted on Edublogs that was set up for Bat Conservation.

    Here is a link to their useful links page –

    Let me know if you would also like links to what the other classes have been learning about Bats.

    Sue Waters
    Support Manager
    Edublogs | CampusPress

  4. daer mrs kostiuk nice bats they look great . so how is your class doing I think its a big hit in my opinion. I miss you so much your the best teacher a girl can evey have . what are you doing for Halloween. please till me and till leah I said hi. from autumn.

    • Dear Autumn,

      It is so lovely to hear from you! I was just thinking about you the other day when I talked to Kyndrid on walk/run! We are doing well in our class, but I miss all of you from last year too. How is grade four going? What are you learning about?

      I haven’t decided exactly what I’m going to be for Halloween yet…it’s between Spiderwoman or Bat Girl. How about you? Keep in touch 🙂

      From Mrs. Kostiuk

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