How Raven’s Feathers Turned Black

We got to enjoy the beautiful outdoors by taking our nature journals out to the outdoor classroom. Here we like to sketch, colour, or write about the nature we see around us.

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After, Mrs. Sharpe told us an interesting Aboriginal legend about how Raven’s feathers turned black. Next, we got to play a game based on the story.

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Here is another version of how Raven’s feathers turned black:

Which version of how Raven’s feathers turned black do you like best? Have you heard any other versions?

How do you play the game that went along with this legend? How could we change the game to make it last longer?

2 thoughts on “How Raven’s Feathers Turned Black

  1. Dear Mrs. Kostiuk,
    The story was a bit weird but we still liked it. It was funny but we thought it was cool too.
    From Nevaeh and Jasmine

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