Artist Spotlight on Andy Goldsworthy

Yesterday our class learned about a fascinating artist: Andy Goldsworthy.


Much of Andy’s art focuses on lines or circles. Which piece do you like the best? Why? 

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How does Andy create his art? Does he make a plan before he goes out?

Where does Andy create his art?

We were so inspired as we learned about this artist, we decided to go outside and try out Andy’s process for ourselves!

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A big Thank You to Ms. Yu for coming in to help us learn about Andy Goldsworthy’s work!

20 thoughts on “Artist Spotlight on Andy Goldsworthy

  1. Dear Mrs. Kostiuk

    Andy creates his art randomly he does not make a plan at all. I think thats super cool!! Andy creates his art in the wild/wilderness that is way cool!!!!

    From Presley

  2. Dear Mrs. K

    that Art Mrs. U showd us was so cool.he dose not plan his Art! he looks in a difrent place he dose not plan where he is going to bild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    From Kiera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Dear Mrs Kostiuk

    He Makes it out side And Andy desseint palan it and Andys invenchins is bilt ramdinm lee and andy creats his art with sticks and rocks and ather ramdem stufe in the nauther.

    from Evan.

  4. dear mrs.kostiuk
    he creats his art in natcher he makes his art in his mined he dasint no what hese dowing wen if he sese somthing cool he bilds on to it
    from liam

  5. Daer Mrs K
    Andy he locs arawnd to mak art and macs sothing
    Andy he yoos is mothrnachr to creat thaings and mac cool thaings
    and andy he dosint bild thaings in hes home

    From Trista

  6. Wow, Grade 2/3! The work you did using Andy Goldsworthy’s work as inspiration sounded wonderful! I was very lucky to have Mrs. Yu teach the Kindergarten students at MES about Andy as well and they will be so excited to see what some of the “big kids” created. Our favourite place to create art outside is near our fort area. If you are around MES, you should check it out! Thanks for sharing your great responses on here too, I loved reading them.
    Mrs. Burgess (Kindergarten teacher at MES)

  7. Hi Grade 2/3!
    Thank you for inviting me into your classroom yesterday. I really enjoyed watching how excited you were when you went outside to create your own Goldsworthy inspired art! It was amazing how focused and well you worked with each other. I was pretty impressed how many of you found your own materials when all the supplies ran out! Great job Gr.2/3!! I enjoyed reading all your comments too! 🙂
    Ms. Yu

  8. Dear Mrs.k it’s Autumn I did not go school today at all because I have a fever a bad one to. I miss you so much your one of the best’s teacher’s I ever had I miss your class room a know my sister’s Kyndrid and Haylee they go to that school.


    • Dear Autumn,

      It is so nice to hear from you. I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I also have a cold right now and it is no fun! I did know that Kyndrid and Haylee go to our school. They often say Hi to me :). I get to teach Kyndrid’s class for music, which is a lot of fun. I hope you rest up and feel better soon. Thanks for writing!

      From Mrs. Kostiuk

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