Choice Time

In classrooms around our school, the first 15 minutes of every day are spent doing Choice time activities. After students in our class have retrieved their ball from the gym and opened their planner on their desk, they are welcome to engage in many different activities in our classroom while socializing with their classmates. This helps everyone settle in for the day at school. Here are some of their choices:



Puppet Theatre

Puppet Theatre

Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts



Candy Land

Candy Land







What is your favourite Choice time activity?

12 thoughts on “Choice Time

  1. Hello Mrs kostiuk and the new class!!!

    Gr.2-3 it was so amazing !! you guys and girls Mrs.kostiuk is a great teacher she tot me in gr.3 you will love her

    Love olivia

    • Dear Olivia,

      Thank you for the sweet comment :). It is great to hear from you! I hope you are enjoying grade 4. Keep in touch,

      From Mrs. Kostiuk

  2. Hi Mrs kostiuk!

    Wow ! your class looks likes its ready to learn this year! And it looks like you still have chippys toys I wonder if he will come back?( sorry about how much space there is;)I really liked gr3 YOU guys will like to:)( share this please)

    love Cassidy:)

    • Dear Cassidy,

      Thank you for the comment! I will definitely share it with my class. It’s great to hear from you. How are you liking your new school? How is grade 4? Keep in touch 🙂

      From Mrs. Kostiuk

  3. Hi Mrs. Kostiuk,

    How’s it going? I hear it is going great. Can’t wait to see your class pumkins this year!! They were sure great in 2012!!

    From: Nigel. 😀

    • Hi Nigel,

      It is great to hear from you! It is going well, thanks. How is grade 5? I am looking forward to pumpkin carving again this year, too. Make sure you come for a visit sometime :).

      From Mrs. Kostiuk

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