Our Heroes

IMG_2167We have been talking about heroes in our classroom…superheroes and real heroes in our community.




Terry Fox is another real hero we have talked about. Our annual school Terry Fox run is coming up this Thursday, September 26 at 9:30am. We will be having a short assembly to kick off our run around our school neighbourhood. Check out this video of students learning about Terry Fox and getting ready for the run!

What do you know about Terry Fox?

17 thoughts on “Our Heroes

  1. dear.mrs. kostiuk,

    terry fox he wus a parsin thet bulefed he cud hlulp save pepul’s
    live’z and rasmone for kanser and he made 500 dolers for kanser.

    fromparker .

  2. Dear Mrs Kostiuk

    Terry Fox had a bad pain in his leg and his knee. He almost made it to where he wanted to but he never did. I want to cry.

    From Tsuyoshi

  3. Dear Mrs. Kostiuk,
    Terry runs 16 KM every day until he doesn’t need to train anymore
    Then he runs 1000KM across Canada, one day when he was running he forgot to bring his food and water and he needs to cancel the Terry Fox run,because he was going to died. We run for Terry Fox run.
    From Evan

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