11 thoughts on “Year End Trip

  1. Dear Mrs Kostiuk
    My favourite part of the trip was when the wolves howled because i got it on video and because when flora came to the school we could not get her to howl but we got all the wolves to howl back to us at the wolf centre.

    From Taylor

  2. Dear Mrs.Kostiuk

    My favourite part about our trip to golden was the wolf center and faramont hot springs.
    My favourite about faramont hot springs was jumping of the big and little diving bord.


  3. Dear Mrs. K i loved the wolf center it was so much fun even if it was raining when we got to Fairmont i was so exsited to go off the diving board.

  4. Dear Mrs Kostiuk

    My favrourit thing was the Wolves i never new what Wolves looked like and now i know. Maya is a Wolfshe is 14 she is old.

    from rowen

  5. Dear Mrs.Kostiuk
    My favourite part about our trip was going to the faramont hot springs.My favourite part at the hot spings was going off the huge diving bord and the little diving bord.

    From Tuva

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